Citation ~6,500, H-index of 38
Referred Journal Publications
† Contributed equally, * Corresponding author, § Graduate/undergraduate student mentee
77. Park, S.§, Liu, X., Li, T., Livingston, J.L., Zhang, J., and Tong, T* (2024) Protein-decorated reverse osmosis membranes with high gypsum scaling resistance. ACS Environmental Au, accepted.
76. Tong, T.*, Park, S.§, and Yao, Y.§ (2024) A tale of two minerals: Contrasting behaviors and mitigation strategies of gypsum scaling and silica scaling in membrane desalination. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, accepted.
75. Yao, Y.§, Zhang, X., Wang, R., Lin, S., and Tong, T.* (2024) Mineral scaling and organic fouling in electrodialytic crystallization. Journal of Membrane Science, Journal of Membrane Science, 707, 123024.
74. Coolidge, C.§ †, Alhadidi †, A.M.H., Wang, W.,* and Tong, T.* (2024) Effects of surfactant properties on pore wetting of membrane distillation. Journal of Membrane Science Letters, 4, 2, 100077.
73. Kalam, S., Dutta, A., Du, X.§, Li, X., Tong, T., and Lee, J. (2024) A non-substrate-specific technique of antifouling and antiwetting Janus membrane fabrication for membrane distillation. Desalination, 573, 117195.
72. Liu, C., Gao, R., Zhang, X., Tong, T., He, Q., and Ma, J. (2024) Controlled architecture of multi-defense anti-fouling forward osmosis membrane for efficient shale gas wastewater treatment. Journal of Membrane Science, 699, 122625.
71. Park, S.§, Saavedra, M.§, Liu, X., Li, T., Anger, B., and Tong, T.* (2024) A comprehensive study on combined organic fouling and gypsum scaling in reverse osmosis: Decoupling surface and bulk phenomena. Journal of Membrane Science, 694, 122399.
70. Zhao, S.*, Zhao, Z., Zhang, X., Zha, Z., Tong, T.*, Wang, R.*, and Wang, Z.* (2024) Polyamide membranes with surface charge reversal induced by dipole-dipole interaction for selective ion separation. Environmental Science & Technology, 58, 11, 5174–5185.
69. Yao, Y.§, Ge, X.§, Yin, Y.§, Minjarez, R.§, and Tong, T.* (2023) Antiscalants for mitigating silica scaling in membrane desalination: Effects of molecular structure and membrane process. Water Research, 246, 120701.
68. Jeong, N.§ †, Wiltse, M.E.†, Boyd, A., Blewett, T., Park, S. §, Broeckling C., Borch, T.*, and Tong, T.* (2023) Efficacy of nanofiltration and reverse osmosis for the treatment of oil-field produced water intended for beneficial reuse. ACS ES&T Engineering, in press (featured as ACS Editor's Choice).
67. Zhang, X.†, Yao, Y.† §, Horseman, T. †, Wang, R., Yin, Y.§, Zhang, S., Tong, T.*, and Lin, S.* (2023) Electrodialytic crystallization to enable zero liquid discharge. Nature Water, 1, 547-554 (featured as the cover article).
66. Jeong, N.§, Epsztein, R., Wang, R., Park, S.§, Lin, S., and Tong, T.* (2023) Exploring the knowledge attained by machine learning on ion transport across polyamide membranes using explainable artificial intelligence. Environmental Science & Technology, 57, 46, 17851-17862.
65. Tong, T.*, Liu, X.*, Li, T.*, Park, S.§, and Anger, B. (2023) A tale of two foulants: The coupling of organic fouling and mineral scaling in membrane desalination. Environmental Science & Technology, 57, 18, 7129-7149.
64. Grauberger, B.M.§, Cole, G.M., Robbins, C.A.§, Quinn. J.C., Tong, T.*, and Bandhauer, T.M.* (2023) Viability of waste heat capture, storage, and transportation for decentralized flowback and produced water treatment. Applied Energy, 330, 120342.
63. Yin, Y. §, Li, T., Zuo, K., Liu, X., Lin, S., Yao, Y. §, and Tong, T.* (2022) Which surface is more scaling resistant? A closer look at nucleation theories for heterogeneous gypsum nucleation in aqueous solutions. Environmental Science & Technology, 56, 22, 16315-16324.
62. Du, X. §, Carlson, K.H., Tong, T.* (2022) The water footprint of hydraulic fracturing under different hydroclimate conditions in the Central and Western United States. Science of The Total Environment, 840, 156651.
61. Du, X. §, Alipanahrostami, M., Wang, W.*, Tong, T.* (2022) Long-Chain PFASs-Free Omniphobic Membranes for Sustained Membrane Distillation. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 14, 20, 23808-23816.
60. Sun, C., Lyu, Q., Si, Y., Tong, T., Lin, L., Yang, F., Tang, C.Y., Dong, Y. (2022) Superhydrophobic carbon nanotube network membranes for membrane distillation: high-throughput performance and transport mechanism. Environmental Science & Technology, 56, 9, 5775-5785.
59. Zhao, Y., Tong, X., Kim, J., Tong, T., Huang, C.-H., Chen, Y. (2022) Capillary-Assisted Fabrication of Thin-Film Nanocomposite Membranes for Improved Solute–Solute Separation. Environmental Science & Technology, 56, 9, 5849-5859.
58. Christie, K.S.S., Horseman, T., Wang, R., Su, C., Tong, T., and Lin, S. (2022) Gypsum scaling in membrane distillation: Impacts of temperature and vapor flux. Desalination, 525, 115499.
57. Cole, G.M., Robbins, C.A. §, Grauberger, B. §, Garland, S., Tong, T., Bandhauer, T.M., Quinn, J.C. (2022) Optimization of mobile oil and gas produced water treatment unit deployment logistics to achieve economic feasibility. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 181,106249.
56. Robbins, R.A.§, Yin, Y.§, Hanson, A.J., Blotevogel, J., Borch, T., and Tong, T.* (2022) Mitigating membrane wetting in the treatment of unconventional oil and gas wastewater by membrane distillation: A comparison of pretreatment with omniphobic membrane. Journal of Membrane Science, 645, 120198
55. Wang, X., Lyu, Q., Tong, T., Sun, K., Lin, L., Tang, C., Yang, F., Guiver, M., Quan, X., Dong, Y. (2022) Robust ultrathin nanoporous MOF membrane with intra-crystalline defects for fast Water transport. Nature Communications, 13, 266.
54. Yin, Y.§, Kalam, S., Livingston, J.L., Minjarez, R.§, Lee, J., Lin, S., and Tong, T.* (2022) The use of anti-scalants in gypsum scaling mitigation: Comparison with membrane surface modification and efficiency in combined reverse osmosis and membrane distillation. Journal of Membrane Science, 643, 120077.
53. Robbins, R.A.§, Du, X.§, Bradley, T.H., Quinn, J.C., Bandhauer, T.M., Conrad, S.A., Carlson, K.H., Tong, T.* (2022). Beyond treatment technology: Understanding motivations and barriers for wastewater treatment and reuse in unconventional energy production. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 177, 106011.
52. Hejase, C., Weitzel, K., Stokes, S., Grauberger, B., Young, R., Arias-Paic, M., Kong, M., Chae, S., Bandhauer, T., Tong, T., Herber, D., Stout, S., Miara, A., Huang, Z., Evans, A., Kurup, P., Talmadge, M., Kandt, A., Stokes-Draut, J., Macknick, J., Borch, T., Dionysiou, D. (2022) Opportunities for Treatment and Reuse of Agricultural Drainage in the U.S. ACS ES&T Engineering, 2, 3, 292-305.
51. Jeong, N. §, Chung, T. §, and Tong, T.* (2021) Predicting Micropollutant Removal by Reverse Osmosis and Nanofiltration Membranes: Is Machine Learning Viable? Environmental Science & Technology, 55, 16, 11348-11359.
50. Qi, Y., Tong, T., and Liu, X. (2021) Mechanisms of silica scale formation on organic macromolecule-coated surfaces. ACS ES&T Engineering, 1, 8, 1826-1836.
49. Sun, Y., Wu, M., Tong, T., Liu, P., Tang, P., Gan, Z., Yang, P., He, Q., and Liu, B. (2021) Organic compounds in Weiyuan shale gas produced water: Identification, detection and rejection by ultrafiltration-reverse osmosis processes. Chemical Engineering Journal, 412, 128699.
48. Liu, L., He, H., Wang, Y., Tong, T., Li, X., Zhang, Y., and He, T. (2021) Mitigation of gypsum and silica scaling in membrane distillation by pulse flow operation. Journal of Membrane Science, 624, 119107.
47. Yin, Y.§, Jeong, N.§, Minjarez, R.§, Robbins, C.A.§, Carlson, K.H., and Tong, T.* (2021). Contrasting behaviors between gypsum and silica scaling in the presence of anti-scalants during membrane distillation. Environmental Science & Technology, 55, 8, 5335-5346.
46. Zhao, Y., Tong, T., Wang, X., Lin, S., Reid, E., and Chen, Y. (2021) Differentiating solutes with precise nanofiltration for next generation environmental separations: A review. Environmental Science & Technology, 55, 3, 1359-1376.
45. Robbins, C.A. §, Carlson, K.H., Garland S., Bandhauer, T., Grauberger, B. §, Tong, T.* (2021) Spatial Analysis of Membrane Distillation Powered by Waste Heat from Natural Gas Compressor Stations for Unconventional Oil and Gas Wastewater Treatment in Weld County, Colorado. ACS ES&T Engineering, 1, 2, 192-203.
44. Du, X. §, Li, H., Robbins, C.A. §, Carlson, K.H., Tong, T.* (2021) Activity and Water Footprint of Unconventional Energy Production under Hydroclimate Variation in Colorado. ACS ES&T Water, 1, 2, 281-290.
43. Horseman, T., Yin, Y.§, Christie, K.S.S., Wang, Z., Tong, T.*, Lin, S.* (2021) Wetting, scaling, and fouling in membrane distillation: State-of-the-art insights on fundamental mechanisms and mitigation strategies. ACS ES&T Engineering, 1, 1, 117-140 (featured as cover article).
42. Robbins, C.A. §, Grauberger, B. §, Garland S., Lin, S., Bandhauer, T.*, and Tong, T.* (2020) On-site treatment capacity of membrane distillation powered by waste heat or natural gas for unconventional oil and gas production in the Denver-Julesburg Basin. Environment International, 145, 106142.
41. Li, C., Li, X., Du, X.§, Zhang, Y., Wang, W., Tong, T., Kota, A.K., Lee, J. (2020) Elucidating the trade-off between membrane wetting resistance and water vapor flux in membrane distillation. Environmental Science & Technology, 54, 16, 10333–10341.
40. Chang, H., Liu, S., Tong, T., He, Q., Crittenden, J.C., Vidic, R.D., Liu, B. (2020) On-site treatment of shale gas flowback and produced water in Sichuan Basin by fertilizer drawn forward osmosis for irrigation. Environmental Science & Technology, 54, 17, 10926–10935.
39. Yin, Y.§, Jeong, N.§, Tong, T.* (2020) The effects of membrane surface wettability on pore wetting and scaling reversibility associated with mineral scaling in membrane distillation. Journal of Membrane Science, 614, 118503.
38. Qi, Y., Tong, T., Zhao, S., Zhang W., Wang, Z., and Wang, J. (2020) Reverse osmosis membrane with simultaneous fouling- and scaling-resistance based on multilayered metal-phytic acid assembly. Journal of Membrane Science, 601, 117888.
37. Christie, K.S.S. †, Yin, Y. †§, Lin, S.*, and Tong, T*. (2020) Distinct behaviors between gypsum and silica scaling in membrane distillation. Environmental Science & Technology, 54, 568-576.
36. Yin, Y.§, Wang, W., Kota, A.K., Zhao, S., and Tong, T.* (2019) Elucidating mechanisms of silica scaling in membrane distillation: effects of membrane surface wettability. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 2019, 5, 2004-2014.
35. Pica, N.E., Funkhouser, J., Yin, Y.§, Zhang, Z.§, Ceres, D., Tong, T., and Blotevogel, J. (2019): Electrochemical oxidation of hexafluoropropylene oxide dimer acid (GenX): Mechanistic insights and efficient treatment train with nanofiltration. Environmental Science & Technology, 53, 12602-12609.
34. Wang, W. †, Du, X. †§, Vahabi, H., Zhao, S., Yin, Y. §, Kota, A.K.*, and Tong, T.* (2019) Trade-off in Membrane Distillation with Monolithic Omniphobic Membranes. Nature Communications, 10, 3220.
33. Tong, T.*, Carlson, K.H., Robbins, C.A. § , Zhang, Z. § , and Du, X § . (2019) Membrane-based treatment of shale oil and gas wastewater: The current state of knowledge. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 13, 63 (cover article).
32. Li, C., Li, X., Du, X. §, Tong, T., Cath, T.Y., and Lee, J. (2019) Antiwetting and antifouling Janus membrane for desalination of saline oily wastewater by membrane distillation. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 11, 18456-18465.
31. Tong, T.*, Wallace, A.F.*, Zhao, S*, Wang, Z.* (2019) Mineral scaling in membrane desalination: mechanisms, mitigation strategies, and feasibility of scaling-resistant membranes. Journal of Membrane Science, 579, 52-69.
30. Zhang, Z.§ Du, X.§ Carlson, K.H., Robbins, C.A.§ and Tong, T.* (2019) Effective treatment of shale oil and gas produced water by membrane distillation coupled with precipitative softening and walnut shell filtration. Desalination, 454, 82-90.
29. Du, X. †§ Zhang, Z. †§ Carlson, K.H., Lee, J., Tong, T.* (2018) Effects of membrane surface wettability on the desalination of shale oil and gas produced water by membrane distillation. Journal of Membrane Science, 567, 199-208.
28. Quay, A.N.†, Tong, T.†*, Hashmi, S., Zhou, Y., Zhao, S., Elimelech, M. (2018) Combined organic fouling and inorganic scaling in reverse osmosis: Role of protein-silica interactions. Environmental Science & Technology, 52(16), 9145-9153.
27. Cheng, W., Liu, C., Tong, T., Epsztein, R., Sun, M., Ma, J., Elimelech, M. (2018) Selective removal of divalent cations by multilayer polyelectrolyte nanofiltration membrane: Role of ion size, polyelectrolyte charge, and ionic strength. Journal of Membrane Science, 559, 98-106.
26. Deshmukh, A., Boo, C., Karanikola, V., Lin, S., Straub, A.P., Tong, T., Warsinger, D.M., Elimelech, M. (2018) Membrane distillation at the water-energy nexus: Limits, opportunities, and challenges. Environmental & Energy Science, 11, 1177-1196.
25. Tong, T. (2018) Environmental nanotoxicology: Where are we now? Journal of Industrial and Environmental Chemistry, 2(1), 1-3 (invited editorial contribution).
24. Guo, N., Wang, Y., Tong, T., Wang, S. (2018) The fate of antibiotic resistance genes and their potential hosts during bio-electrochemical treatment of high-salinity pharmaceutical wastewater. Water Research, 133, 78-86.
23. Sun, J., Hu, C., Tong, T., Zhao, K., Qu, J., Elimelech, M. (2017) Performance and mechanisms of ultrafiltration membrane fouling mitigation by coupling coagulation and applied electric field in a novel electrocoagulation membrane reactor. Environmental Science & Technology, 51(15), 8544-8551.
22. Zhao, S., Huang, L., Tong, T., Zhang, W., Wang, Z., Wang, J., and Wang, S. (2017) Antifouling and antibacterial behavior of polyethersulfone membrane incorporating polyaniline@silver nanocomposites. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 3, 710-719.
21. Tong, T. †, Zhao, S. †, Boo, C., Hashmi, S., and Elimelech, M. (2017) Relating silica scaling in reverse osmosis to membrane surface properties. Environmental Science & Technology, 51(8), 4396-4406.
Before 2017
20. Tong, T. and Elimelech, M. (2016) The global rise of zero liquid discharge for wastewater management: Drivers, technologies, and future directions. Environmental Science & Technology, 50(13), 6846–6855.
19. Wilke, C.M., Tong, T., Gaillard, J.-F., and Gray, K.A. (2016) Attenuation of microbial stress due to nano-Ag and nano-TiO2 interactions under dark conditions. Environmental Science & Technology, 50(20), 11302–11310.
18. Wang, N., Tong, T., Xie, M., and Gaillard, J.-F. (2016) Lifetime and dissolution kinetics of zinc oxide nanoparticles in aqueous media. Nanotechnology, 27(32), 324001.
17. Binh, C.T.T., Adams, E., Vigen, E., Tong, T., Gaillard, J.-F., Gray, K.A., Peterson, C., and Kelly, J.J. (2016) Chronic addition of a common engineered nanomaterial alters biomass, activity and composition of stream biofilm communities. Environmental Science: Nano, 3, 619-630.
16. Ozaki, A., Adams, E., Binh, C.T.T., Tong, T., Peterson, C., Gaillard, J.-F., Gray, K.A., and Kelly, J.J. (2016) One-time addition of nano-TiO2 triggers short-term responses in benthic bacterial communities in artificial streams. Microbial Ecology, 71, 266-275.
15. Tong, T., Wilke, C.M., Wu, J., Binh, C.T.T., Kelly, J.J., Gaillard, J.-F., and Gray, K.A. (2015) Combined toxicity of nano-ZnO and nano-TiO2: From single- to multinanomaterial systems. Environmental Science & Technology, 49(13), 8113-8123.
14. Binh, C.T.T., Peterson, C., Tong, T., Gaillard, J.-F., Gray, K.A., and Kelly, J.J. (2015) Comparing acute effects of nano-TiO2 on cosmopolitan freshwater phototrophic microbes using high-throughput screening. PLoS One, 10(4), e0125613.
13. Tong, T., Hill, A., Alsina, M., Wu, J., Shang, K., Kelly, J.J., Gray, K.A., and Gaillard, J.-F. (2015) Spectroscopic characterization of TiO2 polymorphs in wastewater treatment and sediment samples. Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 2(1), 12-18.
12. Binh, C.T.T., Tong, T., Gaillard, J.-F., Gray, K.A., and Kelly, J.J. (2014) Acute effects of TiO2 nanomaterials on the viability and taxonomic composition of aquatic bacterial communities assessed via high-throughput screening and next generation sequencing. PLoS One, 9(8), e106280.
11. Tong, T., Fang, K., Thomas, S.A., Kelly, J.J., Gray, K.A, and Gaillard, J.-F. (2014) Chemical interactions between nano-ZnO and nano-TiO2 in a natural aqueous medium. Environmental Science & Technology, 48(14), 7924-7932.
10. Thomas, S.A., Tong, T., and Gaillard, J.-F. (2014) Hg(II) bacterial biouptake: The role of anthropogenic and biogenic ligands present in solution and spectroscopic evidence of ligand exchange reactions at the cell surface. Metallomics, 6(12), 2213-2222.
9. Binh, C.T.T., Tong, T., Gaillard, J.-F., Gray, K.A., and Kelly, J.J. (2014) Common freshwater bacteria vary in their responses to short-term exposure to nano-TiO2. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 33, 317-327.
8. Li, D., Tong, T., Zeng, S., Lin, Y., Wu, S., and He, M. (2014) Quantification of viable bacteria in wastewater treatment plants by using propidium monoazide combined with quantitative PCR (PMA-qPCR). Journal of Environmental Sciences, 26(2), 299-306.
7. Tong, T., Shereef, A., Wu, J., Binh, C.T.T., Kelly, J.J., Gaillard, J.-F., and Gray, K.A. (2013) Effects of material morphology on the phototoxicity of nano-TiO2 to bacteria. Environmental Science & Technology, 47(21), 12486-12495.
6. Tong, T., Binh, C.T.T., Kelly, J.J., Gaillard, J.-F., and Gray, K.A. (2013) Cytotoxicity of commercial nano-TiO2 to Escherichia coli assessed by high-throughput screening: Effects of environmental factors. Water Research, 47(7), 2352-2362.
5. Long, F., Wu, S., He, M., Tong, T., and Shi, H. (2011) Ultrasensitive quantum dots-based DNA detection and hybridization kinetics analysis with evanescent wave biosensing platform. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 26, 2390-2395.
4. Tong, T., Wu, S., Li, D., He, M., Yang, T., and Shi, H. (2011) Evaluation of pathogen disinfection efficacy by chlorine and monochloramine disinfection based on quantitative PCR combined with propidium monoazide (PMA-qPCR). Environmental Science, 32(4), 1120-1126. (In Chinese)
3. Zheng, S., Zhang, Y., Tong, T., Cui, C., and Sun, J. (2010) Dominance of yeast in activated sludge under acidic pH and high organic loading. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 52, 282-288.
2. Wu, S., Shi, H., Tong, T., He, M., Zhu, A., Long, F., and Han, S. (2010) Development and performance study of novel DNA optic fiber biosensor. Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 38(10), 1528-1532. (In Chinese)
1. Tong, T., Zhang, Y., Zheng, S., and Yang, J. (2008) Control of microbial communities achieved by pH adjustment and its influences on batch treatment of antibiotic wastewater. Environmental Science, 29(2), 338-343. (In Chinese)
Referred Journal Publications
† Contributed equally, * Corresponding author, § Graduate/undergraduate student mentee
77. Park, S.§, Liu, X., Li, T., Livingston, J.L., Zhang, J., and Tong, T* (2024) Protein-decorated reverse osmosis membranes with high gypsum scaling resistance. ACS Environmental Au, accepted.
76. Tong, T.*, Park, S.§, and Yao, Y.§ (2024) A tale of two minerals: Contrasting behaviors and mitigation strategies of gypsum scaling and silica scaling in membrane desalination. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, accepted.
75. Yao, Y.§, Zhang, X., Wang, R., Lin, S., and Tong, T.* (2024) Mineral scaling and organic fouling in electrodialytic crystallization. Journal of Membrane Science, Journal of Membrane Science, 707, 123024.
74. Coolidge, C.§ †, Alhadidi †, A.M.H., Wang, W.,* and Tong, T.* (2024) Effects of surfactant properties on pore wetting of membrane distillation. Journal of Membrane Science Letters, 4, 2, 100077.
73. Kalam, S., Dutta, A., Du, X.§, Li, X., Tong, T., and Lee, J. (2024) A non-substrate-specific technique of antifouling and antiwetting Janus membrane fabrication for membrane distillation. Desalination, 573, 117195.
72. Liu, C., Gao, R., Zhang, X., Tong, T., He, Q., and Ma, J. (2024) Controlled architecture of multi-defense anti-fouling forward osmosis membrane for efficient shale gas wastewater treatment. Journal of Membrane Science, 699, 122625.
71. Park, S.§, Saavedra, M.§, Liu, X., Li, T., Anger, B., and Tong, T.* (2024) A comprehensive study on combined organic fouling and gypsum scaling in reverse osmosis: Decoupling surface and bulk phenomena. Journal of Membrane Science, 694, 122399.
70. Zhao, S.*, Zhao, Z., Zhang, X., Zha, Z., Tong, T.*, Wang, R.*, and Wang, Z.* (2024) Polyamide membranes with surface charge reversal induced by dipole-dipole interaction for selective ion separation. Environmental Science & Technology, 58, 11, 5174–5185.
69. Yao, Y.§, Ge, X.§, Yin, Y.§, Minjarez, R.§, and Tong, T.* (2023) Antiscalants for mitigating silica scaling in membrane desalination: Effects of molecular structure and membrane process. Water Research, 246, 120701.
68. Jeong, N.§ †, Wiltse, M.E.†, Boyd, A., Blewett, T., Park, S. §, Broeckling C., Borch, T.*, and Tong, T.* (2023) Efficacy of nanofiltration and reverse osmosis for the treatment of oil-field produced water intended for beneficial reuse. ACS ES&T Engineering, in press (featured as ACS Editor's Choice).
67. Zhang, X.†, Yao, Y.† §, Horseman, T. †, Wang, R., Yin, Y.§, Zhang, S., Tong, T.*, and Lin, S.* (2023) Electrodialytic crystallization to enable zero liquid discharge. Nature Water, 1, 547-554 (featured as the cover article).
66. Jeong, N.§, Epsztein, R., Wang, R., Park, S.§, Lin, S., and Tong, T.* (2023) Exploring the knowledge attained by machine learning on ion transport across polyamide membranes using explainable artificial intelligence. Environmental Science & Technology, 57, 46, 17851-17862.
65. Tong, T.*, Liu, X.*, Li, T.*, Park, S.§, and Anger, B. (2023) A tale of two foulants: The coupling of organic fouling and mineral scaling in membrane desalination. Environmental Science & Technology, 57, 18, 7129-7149.
64. Grauberger, B.M.§, Cole, G.M., Robbins, C.A.§, Quinn. J.C., Tong, T.*, and Bandhauer, T.M.* (2023) Viability of waste heat capture, storage, and transportation for decentralized flowback and produced water treatment. Applied Energy, 330, 120342.
63. Yin, Y. §, Li, T., Zuo, K., Liu, X., Lin, S., Yao, Y. §, and Tong, T.* (2022) Which surface is more scaling resistant? A closer look at nucleation theories for heterogeneous gypsum nucleation in aqueous solutions. Environmental Science & Technology, 56, 22, 16315-16324.
62. Du, X. §, Carlson, K.H., Tong, T.* (2022) The water footprint of hydraulic fracturing under different hydroclimate conditions in the Central and Western United States. Science of The Total Environment, 840, 156651.
61. Du, X. §, Alipanahrostami, M., Wang, W.*, Tong, T.* (2022) Long-Chain PFASs-Free Omniphobic Membranes for Sustained Membrane Distillation. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 14, 20, 23808-23816.
60. Sun, C., Lyu, Q., Si, Y., Tong, T., Lin, L., Yang, F., Tang, C.Y., Dong, Y. (2022) Superhydrophobic carbon nanotube network membranes for membrane distillation: high-throughput performance and transport mechanism. Environmental Science & Technology, 56, 9, 5775-5785.
59. Zhao, Y., Tong, X., Kim, J., Tong, T., Huang, C.-H., Chen, Y. (2022) Capillary-Assisted Fabrication of Thin-Film Nanocomposite Membranes for Improved Solute–Solute Separation. Environmental Science & Technology, 56, 9, 5849-5859.
58. Christie, K.S.S., Horseman, T., Wang, R., Su, C., Tong, T., and Lin, S. (2022) Gypsum scaling in membrane distillation: Impacts of temperature and vapor flux. Desalination, 525, 115499.
57. Cole, G.M., Robbins, C.A. §, Grauberger, B. §, Garland, S., Tong, T., Bandhauer, T.M., Quinn, J.C. (2022) Optimization of mobile oil and gas produced water treatment unit deployment logistics to achieve economic feasibility. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 181,106249.
56. Robbins, R.A.§, Yin, Y.§, Hanson, A.J., Blotevogel, J., Borch, T., and Tong, T.* (2022) Mitigating membrane wetting in the treatment of unconventional oil and gas wastewater by membrane distillation: A comparison of pretreatment with omniphobic membrane. Journal of Membrane Science, 645, 120198
55. Wang, X., Lyu, Q., Tong, T., Sun, K., Lin, L., Tang, C., Yang, F., Guiver, M., Quan, X., Dong, Y. (2022) Robust ultrathin nanoporous MOF membrane with intra-crystalline defects for fast Water transport. Nature Communications, 13, 266.
54. Yin, Y.§, Kalam, S., Livingston, J.L., Minjarez, R.§, Lee, J., Lin, S., and Tong, T.* (2022) The use of anti-scalants in gypsum scaling mitigation: Comparison with membrane surface modification and efficiency in combined reverse osmosis and membrane distillation. Journal of Membrane Science, 643, 120077.
53. Robbins, R.A.§, Du, X.§, Bradley, T.H., Quinn, J.C., Bandhauer, T.M., Conrad, S.A., Carlson, K.H., Tong, T.* (2022). Beyond treatment technology: Understanding motivations and barriers for wastewater treatment and reuse in unconventional energy production. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 177, 106011.
52. Hejase, C., Weitzel, K., Stokes, S., Grauberger, B., Young, R., Arias-Paic, M., Kong, M., Chae, S., Bandhauer, T., Tong, T., Herber, D., Stout, S., Miara, A., Huang, Z., Evans, A., Kurup, P., Talmadge, M., Kandt, A., Stokes-Draut, J., Macknick, J., Borch, T., Dionysiou, D. (2022) Opportunities for Treatment and Reuse of Agricultural Drainage in the U.S. ACS ES&T Engineering, 2, 3, 292-305.
51. Jeong, N. §, Chung, T. §, and Tong, T.* (2021) Predicting Micropollutant Removal by Reverse Osmosis and Nanofiltration Membranes: Is Machine Learning Viable? Environmental Science & Technology, 55, 16, 11348-11359.
50. Qi, Y., Tong, T., and Liu, X. (2021) Mechanisms of silica scale formation on organic macromolecule-coated surfaces. ACS ES&T Engineering, 1, 8, 1826-1836.
49. Sun, Y., Wu, M., Tong, T., Liu, P., Tang, P., Gan, Z., Yang, P., He, Q., and Liu, B. (2021) Organic compounds in Weiyuan shale gas produced water: Identification, detection and rejection by ultrafiltration-reverse osmosis processes. Chemical Engineering Journal, 412, 128699.
48. Liu, L., He, H., Wang, Y., Tong, T., Li, X., Zhang, Y., and He, T. (2021) Mitigation of gypsum and silica scaling in membrane distillation by pulse flow operation. Journal of Membrane Science, 624, 119107.
47. Yin, Y.§, Jeong, N.§, Minjarez, R.§, Robbins, C.A.§, Carlson, K.H., and Tong, T.* (2021). Contrasting behaviors between gypsum and silica scaling in the presence of anti-scalants during membrane distillation. Environmental Science & Technology, 55, 8, 5335-5346.
46. Zhao, Y., Tong, T., Wang, X., Lin, S., Reid, E., and Chen, Y. (2021) Differentiating solutes with precise nanofiltration for next generation environmental separations: A review. Environmental Science & Technology, 55, 3, 1359-1376.
45. Robbins, C.A. §, Carlson, K.H., Garland S., Bandhauer, T., Grauberger, B. §, Tong, T.* (2021) Spatial Analysis of Membrane Distillation Powered by Waste Heat from Natural Gas Compressor Stations for Unconventional Oil and Gas Wastewater Treatment in Weld County, Colorado. ACS ES&T Engineering, 1, 2, 192-203.
44. Du, X. §, Li, H., Robbins, C.A. §, Carlson, K.H., Tong, T.* (2021) Activity and Water Footprint of Unconventional Energy Production under Hydroclimate Variation in Colorado. ACS ES&T Water, 1, 2, 281-290.
43. Horseman, T., Yin, Y.§, Christie, K.S.S., Wang, Z., Tong, T.*, Lin, S.* (2021) Wetting, scaling, and fouling in membrane distillation: State-of-the-art insights on fundamental mechanisms and mitigation strategies. ACS ES&T Engineering, 1, 1, 117-140 (featured as cover article).
42. Robbins, C.A. §, Grauberger, B. §, Garland S., Lin, S., Bandhauer, T.*, and Tong, T.* (2020) On-site treatment capacity of membrane distillation powered by waste heat or natural gas for unconventional oil and gas production in the Denver-Julesburg Basin. Environment International, 145, 106142.
41. Li, C., Li, X., Du, X.§, Zhang, Y., Wang, W., Tong, T., Kota, A.K., Lee, J. (2020) Elucidating the trade-off between membrane wetting resistance and water vapor flux in membrane distillation. Environmental Science & Technology, 54, 16, 10333–10341.
40. Chang, H., Liu, S., Tong, T., He, Q., Crittenden, J.C., Vidic, R.D., Liu, B. (2020) On-site treatment of shale gas flowback and produced water in Sichuan Basin by fertilizer drawn forward osmosis for irrigation. Environmental Science & Technology, 54, 17, 10926–10935.
39. Yin, Y.§, Jeong, N.§, Tong, T.* (2020) The effects of membrane surface wettability on pore wetting and scaling reversibility associated with mineral scaling in membrane distillation. Journal of Membrane Science, 614, 118503.
38. Qi, Y., Tong, T., Zhao, S., Zhang W., Wang, Z., and Wang, J. (2020) Reverse osmosis membrane with simultaneous fouling- and scaling-resistance based on multilayered metal-phytic acid assembly. Journal of Membrane Science, 601, 117888.
37. Christie, K.S.S. †, Yin, Y. †§, Lin, S.*, and Tong, T*. (2020) Distinct behaviors between gypsum and silica scaling in membrane distillation. Environmental Science & Technology, 54, 568-576.
36. Yin, Y.§, Wang, W., Kota, A.K., Zhao, S., and Tong, T.* (2019) Elucidating mechanisms of silica scaling in membrane distillation: effects of membrane surface wettability. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 2019, 5, 2004-2014.
35. Pica, N.E., Funkhouser, J., Yin, Y.§, Zhang, Z.§, Ceres, D., Tong, T., and Blotevogel, J. (2019): Electrochemical oxidation of hexafluoropropylene oxide dimer acid (GenX): Mechanistic insights and efficient treatment train with nanofiltration. Environmental Science & Technology, 53, 12602-12609.
34. Wang, W. †, Du, X. †§, Vahabi, H., Zhao, S., Yin, Y. §, Kota, A.K.*, and Tong, T.* (2019) Trade-off in Membrane Distillation with Monolithic Omniphobic Membranes. Nature Communications, 10, 3220.
33. Tong, T.*, Carlson, K.H., Robbins, C.A. § , Zhang, Z. § , and Du, X § . (2019) Membrane-based treatment of shale oil and gas wastewater: The current state of knowledge. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 13, 63 (cover article).
32. Li, C., Li, X., Du, X. §, Tong, T., Cath, T.Y., and Lee, J. (2019) Antiwetting and antifouling Janus membrane for desalination of saline oily wastewater by membrane distillation. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 11, 18456-18465.
31. Tong, T.*, Wallace, A.F.*, Zhao, S*, Wang, Z.* (2019) Mineral scaling in membrane desalination: mechanisms, mitigation strategies, and feasibility of scaling-resistant membranes. Journal of Membrane Science, 579, 52-69.
30. Zhang, Z.§ Du, X.§ Carlson, K.H., Robbins, C.A.§ and Tong, T.* (2019) Effective treatment of shale oil and gas produced water by membrane distillation coupled with precipitative softening and walnut shell filtration. Desalination, 454, 82-90.
29. Du, X. †§ Zhang, Z. †§ Carlson, K.H., Lee, J., Tong, T.* (2018) Effects of membrane surface wettability on the desalination of shale oil and gas produced water by membrane distillation. Journal of Membrane Science, 567, 199-208.
28. Quay, A.N.†, Tong, T.†*, Hashmi, S., Zhou, Y., Zhao, S., Elimelech, M. (2018) Combined organic fouling and inorganic scaling in reverse osmosis: Role of protein-silica interactions. Environmental Science & Technology, 52(16), 9145-9153.
27. Cheng, W., Liu, C., Tong, T., Epsztein, R., Sun, M., Ma, J., Elimelech, M. (2018) Selective removal of divalent cations by multilayer polyelectrolyte nanofiltration membrane: Role of ion size, polyelectrolyte charge, and ionic strength. Journal of Membrane Science, 559, 98-106.
26. Deshmukh, A., Boo, C., Karanikola, V., Lin, S., Straub, A.P., Tong, T., Warsinger, D.M., Elimelech, M. (2018) Membrane distillation at the water-energy nexus: Limits, opportunities, and challenges. Environmental & Energy Science, 11, 1177-1196.
25. Tong, T. (2018) Environmental nanotoxicology: Where are we now? Journal of Industrial and Environmental Chemistry, 2(1), 1-3 (invited editorial contribution).
24. Guo, N., Wang, Y., Tong, T., Wang, S. (2018) The fate of antibiotic resistance genes and their potential hosts during bio-electrochemical treatment of high-salinity pharmaceutical wastewater. Water Research, 133, 78-86.
23. Sun, J., Hu, C., Tong, T., Zhao, K., Qu, J., Elimelech, M. (2017) Performance and mechanisms of ultrafiltration membrane fouling mitigation by coupling coagulation and applied electric field in a novel electrocoagulation membrane reactor. Environmental Science & Technology, 51(15), 8544-8551.
22. Zhao, S., Huang, L., Tong, T., Zhang, W., Wang, Z., Wang, J., and Wang, S. (2017) Antifouling and antibacterial behavior of polyethersulfone membrane incorporating polyaniline@silver nanocomposites. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 3, 710-719.
21. Tong, T. †, Zhao, S. †, Boo, C., Hashmi, S., and Elimelech, M. (2017) Relating silica scaling in reverse osmosis to membrane surface properties. Environmental Science & Technology, 51(8), 4396-4406.
Before 2017
20. Tong, T. and Elimelech, M. (2016) The global rise of zero liquid discharge for wastewater management: Drivers, technologies, and future directions. Environmental Science & Technology, 50(13), 6846–6855.
19. Wilke, C.M., Tong, T., Gaillard, J.-F., and Gray, K.A. (2016) Attenuation of microbial stress due to nano-Ag and nano-TiO2 interactions under dark conditions. Environmental Science & Technology, 50(20), 11302–11310.
18. Wang, N., Tong, T., Xie, M., and Gaillard, J.-F. (2016) Lifetime and dissolution kinetics of zinc oxide nanoparticles in aqueous media. Nanotechnology, 27(32), 324001.
17. Binh, C.T.T., Adams, E., Vigen, E., Tong, T., Gaillard, J.-F., Gray, K.A., Peterson, C., and Kelly, J.J. (2016) Chronic addition of a common engineered nanomaterial alters biomass, activity and composition of stream biofilm communities. Environmental Science: Nano, 3, 619-630.
16. Ozaki, A., Adams, E., Binh, C.T.T., Tong, T., Peterson, C., Gaillard, J.-F., Gray, K.A., and Kelly, J.J. (2016) One-time addition of nano-TiO2 triggers short-term responses in benthic bacterial communities in artificial streams. Microbial Ecology, 71, 266-275.
15. Tong, T., Wilke, C.M., Wu, J., Binh, C.T.T., Kelly, J.J., Gaillard, J.-F., and Gray, K.A. (2015) Combined toxicity of nano-ZnO and nano-TiO2: From single- to multinanomaterial systems. Environmental Science & Technology, 49(13), 8113-8123.
14. Binh, C.T.T., Peterson, C., Tong, T., Gaillard, J.-F., Gray, K.A., and Kelly, J.J. (2015) Comparing acute effects of nano-TiO2 on cosmopolitan freshwater phototrophic microbes using high-throughput screening. PLoS One, 10(4), e0125613.
13. Tong, T., Hill, A., Alsina, M., Wu, J., Shang, K., Kelly, J.J., Gray, K.A., and Gaillard, J.-F. (2015) Spectroscopic characterization of TiO2 polymorphs in wastewater treatment and sediment samples. Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 2(1), 12-18.
12. Binh, C.T.T., Tong, T., Gaillard, J.-F., Gray, K.A., and Kelly, J.J. (2014) Acute effects of TiO2 nanomaterials on the viability and taxonomic composition of aquatic bacterial communities assessed via high-throughput screening and next generation sequencing. PLoS One, 9(8), e106280.
11. Tong, T., Fang, K., Thomas, S.A., Kelly, J.J., Gray, K.A, and Gaillard, J.-F. (2014) Chemical interactions between nano-ZnO and nano-TiO2 in a natural aqueous medium. Environmental Science & Technology, 48(14), 7924-7932.
10. Thomas, S.A., Tong, T., and Gaillard, J.-F. (2014) Hg(II) bacterial biouptake: The role of anthropogenic and biogenic ligands present in solution and spectroscopic evidence of ligand exchange reactions at the cell surface. Metallomics, 6(12), 2213-2222.
9. Binh, C.T.T., Tong, T., Gaillard, J.-F., Gray, K.A., and Kelly, J.J. (2014) Common freshwater bacteria vary in their responses to short-term exposure to nano-TiO2. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 33, 317-327.
8. Li, D., Tong, T., Zeng, S., Lin, Y., Wu, S., and He, M. (2014) Quantification of viable bacteria in wastewater treatment plants by using propidium monoazide combined with quantitative PCR (PMA-qPCR). Journal of Environmental Sciences, 26(2), 299-306.
7. Tong, T., Shereef, A., Wu, J., Binh, C.T.T., Kelly, J.J., Gaillard, J.-F., and Gray, K.A. (2013) Effects of material morphology on the phototoxicity of nano-TiO2 to bacteria. Environmental Science & Technology, 47(21), 12486-12495.
6. Tong, T., Binh, C.T.T., Kelly, J.J., Gaillard, J.-F., and Gray, K.A. (2013) Cytotoxicity of commercial nano-TiO2 to Escherichia coli assessed by high-throughput screening: Effects of environmental factors. Water Research, 47(7), 2352-2362.
5. Long, F., Wu, S., He, M., Tong, T., and Shi, H. (2011) Ultrasensitive quantum dots-based DNA detection and hybridization kinetics analysis with evanescent wave biosensing platform. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 26, 2390-2395.
4. Tong, T., Wu, S., Li, D., He, M., Yang, T., and Shi, H. (2011) Evaluation of pathogen disinfection efficacy by chlorine and monochloramine disinfection based on quantitative PCR combined with propidium monoazide (PMA-qPCR). Environmental Science, 32(4), 1120-1126. (In Chinese)
3. Zheng, S., Zhang, Y., Tong, T., Cui, C., and Sun, J. (2010) Dominance of yeast in activated sludge under acidic pH and high organic loading. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 52, 282-288.
2. Wu, S., Shi, H., Tong, T., He, M., Zhu, A., Long, F., and Han, S. (2010) Development and performance study of novel DNA optic fiber biosensor. Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 38(10), 1528-1532. (In Chinese)
1. Tong, T., Zhang, Y., Zheng, S., and Yang, J. (2008) Control of microbial communities achieved by pH adjustment and its influences on batch treatment of antibiotic wastewater. Environmental Science, 29(2), 338-343. (In Chinese)